Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Light Shines In The Darkness

Kate McKinney
As I was praying a few months ago about this trip to Romania, I asked God to give me a verse that would be my theme or "battle cry" for this trip. It would also serve as a call to action as I charge ahead into the coming changes in my own life.  Just like God always does He answered that prayer in His perfect way:

"The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." John 1:5

The verse practically leaped off the page at me.  Jesus is the Light referred to and that Light is in us.  No matter where we go we spread that light around us, strengthening and encouraging others with that same light.  Whether theirs is a spark that leaps into a flame in response to encouragement, or a resolute candle burning with unwavering courage in the gloom of this world.  We, as Christians, are called to be an example and a beacon of hope for those in darkness.  This is what I pray for this Romanian Missions Trip.  

I pray we can be an example; in our travels, while speaking in churches, interacting with the Romanian people, singing praises to God, communicating with the youth.  Preparing the way for the Lord by spreading His light, which is in us, everywhere we go.

Not only on this trip, but also in the next chapter of my life as a nurse, I will strive to exemplify His light, be His hands, His feet, and speak with His words.

So, it is with eager expectation that I look forward to this trip!  I can't wait to see what the Lord does!

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