Saturday, March 30, 2019

Planning and Preparing

Trinity Romania Missions 2019
Maura Elkins
Hello, This is my first time being part of a mission team overseas and I am thrilled to be a part of this journey. I'm not always on time, definitely not always organized, but I like to plan. There is such a joy that comes from waiting down the tasks for the day and plans for my life. 

Yet the Lord's plans are often quite different from mine and my dreams don't always line up with His. When I was asked to consider being a part of this trip my heart was quite hesitant. This was most certainly not in my plans! Through prayer and counsel the Lord gave a clear, "Yes, you should go!" The Lord is so amazing and has provided this opportunity to worship with believers from across the globe and share my testimony. It is a joy to give my time and plans to share His love and proclaim His goodness in Romania. 

It has been a marvelous time preparing and planning for this trip. I've enjoyed getting my passport, travel luggage, and preparing my heart to see the wonderful things that the Lord will do in April. Please pray that the team will be free in giving and bold in sharing the Gospel. All glory to God! He truly deserves the praise!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Trinity Romania Missions 2019
Casey Elkins
As I prepare for this upcoming mission trip to Romania I am reminded how much I need to spiritually prepare. Along with packing my suitcase for travel I am packing my own heart with truths and reminders. I'm seeking to know more of God so that I can be better equipped to minister to others. I am grateful that God's grace is far stronger than my fears and shortcomings. I know from the deepest places in my heart that as I ask God for wisdom, strength, and the right words to say, that the one who created me and cares for me will provide.

I am so excited to be on this team! I can't wait to see new places and experience new things. There is also so much more to this trip than taking part in a new adventure. My mission on this trip is to ultimately glorify a good God and fellowship with other believers on the other side of the world. I am thankful for the opportunity to express to others why I love Jesus and why He loves us immeasurably.

I am so happy to serve alongside this team as we work together to share the love of Jesus Christ with everyone we meet. I would like to earnestly ask for your prayers for my team and me as we prepare to go out in just a few weeks. Please pray that God will do great things through us for His glory.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Good Place Spiritually

Trinity Romania Missions Team 2019
As far as planning for this trip, I have been working a lot and have also begun some more lengthy Bible studies so that I will be in a good place spiritually. Often with very important things, like this trip, it is hard for me to think about it until it is on the very near horizon. Most often this is a blessing because I tend to worry. In all honesty the extra work has helped me in keeping me calm and relaxed. 

The fact that this year's group is larger than last years is exciting and I am looking forward to seeing what God will do in and through the team on this year's trip!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Bonding Time

Trinity Romania Missions Team 2019
We had a great weekend preparing for the upcoming trip to Romania! The team talked, laughed, prayed, sang, and generally got to know each other. 

We are all truly excited to see what God will do this year. Each year is such a unique and special trip and we expect this year to be no exception.

Please continue to pray as the time draws near!