Saturday, May 28, 2016

Adventure on the Danube Delta!

We had an exciting opportunity to take a boat ride down several channels and through four lakes in the Danube Delta.  This is a massive wet land where there are many many bird species.  It was a three hour tour and we had sun, wind, and rain.  But we also had black cormerants, swans, and pelicans!  By the dozens!  You will enjoy these pictures and few short videos!


Our boats and guides

At times we were covered by an arch of trees

Beautiful willows were everywhere

This is a wild dog that one of our guides has befriended
and knows the sound of his engine and
ran along the shore for a very long way with us

White Heron
Unknown bird enjoying his catch!

Black Cormorant Baby in the bamboo

White Cormorant in flight

One of the four lakes we explored

The other boat goofing around

The sea of lily pads were unbelievable!

These yellow lily pads are protected as are the white.
That might explain why they spread as far as you can see.

Our guides got us up close and personal

Here is an expanse of the white lilies.  

And a few shots closer up

All the vegetation in the water kept binding the outboard motors.
They had to keep cleaning them off.

As we made our way out of this lake we followed the channel between the lily pads.
It was quite a sight.

We ran into a rain storm.  It was a good one!

One of the boats used a tarp to keep us dry.
The other used a canopy.

But we all got significant wet!  But it
was definitely worth it.

Ducks flying in V formation

A bamboo fork in the channel.
We picked the right channel.

These are Black Cormorants

Here are a few still photos of our God given encounter
with the Pelicans.

Photo Credits go to: Amy and Matthew Walker and Daphne Edmonston

1 comment:

  1. These photos are wonderful, such beautiful scenery :)
